Wednesday, May 28, 2014

AcuRex- An APP for Acupressure and Reflexology

AcuRex is an easy-to-use app for acupressure and reflexology. Covers most common problems and shows the positions of the related acupressure and reflexive points graphically. Also provides more information from the Internet websites in details.

It shows acupressure and reflexive points for hand and foot, urticaria, diabetes, cosmetic, hair, constipation, immune system, pancreas, kidney, hypertension, angina, hand numbness, leg numbness, cold hands and feet, leg cramps, impotence and more. It is extremely easy to use.

Acupressure and reflexive points include Hegu, Daling, Diji, Pancreas/Hand, Blood suger, Sanyinjiao, Taixi, Zusanli, Yongquan, Yuji, Housanli, Xuehai, Quchi, Zhongfeng, Qihai, Pishu, Jingmen, Mingmen, Shangyang, Fuliu, Shenshu, Guanyuan, Shenmen, Yaoyangguan, Yingu, Yinlingquan, Zhongchong, Juliao, Weidao, Daheng, Xuqnzhong, jiquan, yangchí, jiaoxin, Neiguan, Taichong, Taiyang, zhigou, Quze, Baihui, Shendao, shanzhong, Ximen, Yanglingguan, Fengchi, Chengshan, Pancreas/Leg, Impotence/Hand, Impotence/Leg and etc.

AcuRex 是一个易于使用的指压按摩和足底按摩的应用程序。涵盖了最常见的问题,并显示相关的穴位和反射性点图形的位置。同时,让您轻易地从互联网网站更多相关的信息。


所涵括的指压按摩和反射性点有:合谷穴,大陵穴,地机穴,/手部,血糖,三阴交穴,太溪穴,足三里穴,涌泉穴,鱼际穴,手三里穴,血海穴,曲池穴,中封穴,气海俞穴,脾俞穴,京门穴,命门穴,商阳穴,复溜穴,肾俞穴,关元穴,神门穴,腰阳关穴,阴谷穴,阴陵泉穴,中冲穴,居穴,维道穴,大横穴,悬钟穴,极泉穴,阳池穴,交信穴,内关穴,太冲穴,太阳穴,支沟穴,曲泽穴,百会穴,神道穴,膻中穴,郄门穴,阳陵泉穴,风池穴,承山穴,/脚部, 生殖/手部, 生殖/脚部等等。

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